
Maharaja Manindra Chandra College

Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

20 Ramkanto Bose Street Kolkata-700 003 | Call:033-25555565 | Email :principalmmccollege@gmail.com

Website : www.mmccollege.co.in

Feedback Reports

S/L no Name View/Download
1 Student Satisfaction Survey 2023-2024
2 Exam Grievance Feedback 2023-24
3 Students Teachers and Alumni Feedback 2023-24
4 Curriculum Feedback (2023-2024)
5 Faculty Feedback (2023-2024)
6 Alumni Feedback (2023-2024)
7 Students Teachers and Alumni Feedback 2021-22
8 Student Satisfaction Survey 2021-22
9 Student Satisfaction Survey 2020-21
10 Students Teachers and Alumni Feedback 2020-21